Failed Films presents a film benefit for Bay Area Workers Support (BAWS)
May 23, 2019
7-10pm (program starts at 8pm)
Dungeon Art Gallery, Oakland, CA
Ticketing Info: https://bayareaworkerssupport.org/FFfundraiser
$10-100 sliding scale (NTAFLOF)
Film Line-up:
-Homemade by Penny Barber (6:47)
-Pain Dulce by Ramses Rodstien (7:31)
-The Colors by Nikki Darling & Kira Noir (6:22)
-Black Phase by Mineko Brand & Rhea Aeon Daemon (10:30)
(Total of 30:20 minutes)
Intermission (perhaps a performance to hold focus?)
-Blood Love Smut by Chingy & Dahlia Snow (11:38)
-Fresh Off the Bus by Jamie Lopez (5:21)
-Wheel of Fortune by Bambi K (7:39)
(Total of 23:15 minutes)
Installations (playing on loop all night):
Soft Trap by Screwilla DeVille
Glory by Gia Isabella