Working Girls

Working Girls is a 1986 independent film, written, produced and directed by Lizzie Borden. It depicts a day in the life of of sex workers in a Manhattan work apartment-brothel. It was touted as a feminist portrayal by some.

NY Times review:

“The ”girls” themselves are a fairly unusual crew. They include Molly, a pretty Yale graduate with degrees in English literature and art history, and Dawn, a beauty who looks to be about 20 and is studying for a law degree. Nobody at this ”club” has been kidnapped by white-slavers or lured away from home after being hooked on drugs. These women are there because the pay is good and the hours more or less what they make them.

”Working Girls,” directed by Miss Borden and written by her and Sandra Kay, covers several days in the life of Molly, who, as played with Ivy League cool by Louise Smith, is a hooker entirely in command of her life as well as one with an appreciation for language. ”I don’t believe there’s such a word as ‘aphrodisiacal,’ ” she says when one of her customers attempts to describe a particularly exciting experience.

Molly has a stable relationship with her black female lover (who doesn’t know about her ”job”) and her lover’s small daughter.  Sometime in the future she may become a professional photographer.”

(USA 93 min.-1986)

Other Works

Black Sex Worker Liberation March: Scenes from the Largest Protest for Sex Worker Rights in American History
Sex Worker Violence Prevention
FIRST Community Forum, Pt. 2 of 4 – Julie Ham
Men of The Night, Uganda (Trailer)