Transsexual Dominitrix with Shawna Virago

starring and produced by Shawna Virago
3:52 min.-2012, San Francisco
This work is one of the classics and favorites among sex worker videos. “I do it for the leather, I do it for the power, I do it for the pleasure of $250 an hour.” San Francisco rock goddess, Shawna Virago flashes a whole arsenal of toys in this new folk-punk leather anthem. Long time community leader, Virago is Artistic Director of the San Francisco Transgender Film Festival and her own films have screened throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe. (Note there is a live performance of this song available on YouTube, however this piece is not available on YouTube.)

Visit or contact the SF Sex Worker Festival at

Other Works

A Day in Her Life
Trading Women
Rescue is Violence
WHORE LOGIC (Excerpt 5 mins)

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