Texas Taliban (or Vice)


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Texas Taliban (or Vice) by John Woodward
Starring Bo Hopkins and Maxine Bahns. This comedy is based on actual trial transcripts and serves as a good example of the hypocrisies of anti-prostitution laws and enforcement.

VICE tells one story that you never see on TV – the true story of the prosecution and persecution of one woman by a Texas vice squad. This courtroom dramedy points to the comical absurdities involved with prosecuting a stripper (played by the beautiful Maxine Bahns from “The Brothers McMullen”) for indecent exposure. The actual trial transcript is the primary source for this scathingly funny indictment of police corruption. VICE ridicules the idiocy of governmental thugs and this on-going witch-hunt by an insane bureaucracy.

When Woodward attended the trial upon which VICE is based, several vice officers were waiting to testify in the court hallway. One noticed Woodward’s tape recorder in his satchel. The officers assumed he had recorded them (the judge had ordered no discussion between witnesses) and challenged Woodward to settle the matter in the alley behind the Courthouse. Outnumbered six to one, Woodward figured it was wiser to fight this battle on film. (89 minutes-2001)

Texas Taliban promo:
“Two things Al-Qaeda can’t resist — virgins in heaven and strippers on earth. Prior to 9/11, in a topless bar, terrorists bragged about their plans. If strippers trusted cops, one dancer might have prevented the attacks that the CIA couldn’t stop. TEXAS TALIBAN examines the relationship between cops and strippers. Do Americans benefit when thousands of veteran undercover cops spend their time investigating indecency? Did you know, for every undercover cop investigating terrorists, more than 100 investigate sex workers. Who scares you more? A dirty bomber or a dirty dancer? A jury reaches verdicts on indecency, lewdness, lap dancing and policing priorities.”

Other Works

A Day in Her Life
Amores de Rua (Street Lovers)
For Love or Money
Pay It No Mind – The Life and Times of Marsha P. Johnson

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