Sex Workers Against the Tide

by Association of Hungarian Sex Workers and Green Spider Film Network

This is a short documentary about the 15th Anniversary March of the Association of Hungarian Sex Workers. This work presents some rare, specific and educational commentary about the ways laws work against sex workers, and the uphill battles sex workers have had to face in their advocacy. This comes from the organization that produced the excellent TÁNC AZ ERŐSZAK ELLEN- DANCE OF VIOLENCE. (5:10-2016, Hungary)

“Fearing the consequences they wouldn’t come out as sex workers, so they marched covering their faces with red umbrellas on the 15th anniversary demonstration of Association of Hungarian Sex Workers. Ágnes Földi, chairwoman of SZEXE, says they sense no progress has been made in 15 years.”

“Maria Morozova is the Communications Officer of Sex Workers’ Rights Advocacy Network SWAN, an Eastern Europe and Middle Asia focused umbrella organisation. Morozova said they know of cases when sex workers were robbed or raped, turned to the authorities and were denied help, because the police blamed them for having chosen this occupation.”

Staca Plecas, executive director of SWAN states this is not local, but a regional, or even a global problem, that sex workers are being excluded, their activity is not acknowledged as work and are facing a lot of violence and legal offenses.

“Dr. Klaudia Makó, SZEXE’s lawyer says they know of many cases in which sex workers spend years on prison for legal offenses that are caused entirely by the inappropriate legal framework.”

More information of Association of Hungarian Sex Workers.

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