Pye Jakobsson: A Swedish sexworker on the criminalization of clients

An HCLU-SWAN film, titled: ‘We want to save you! And if you dont appreciate it you will be punished!. Interview with Pye Jakobsson a sex worker activist from Sweden. (2009-9:57 min.)

Below is by Ruth Jacobs in the Huffington Post:
Since the mid-1990s, Pye Jakobsson from Stockholm, Sweden, has been a sex workers’ rights activist and from the 1980s, she has been involved in HIV activism. Her focus is advocating for the human rights of marginalised groups and she achieves this by working with a number of organisations sharing those goals.

Pye is also a former sex worker with 24 years experience in various sectors of the sex industry and in numerous countries. Presently, she is taking a break from sex work while working in HIV-prevention.

Her current roles include Project Manager at Hiv-Sverige/HIV-Sweden, Co-Founder and Coordinator at Rose Alliance, an NGO by and for current and former sex and erotic workers in Sweden, and President of The Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP), which advocates for rights based health and social services, freedom from abuse and discrimination, and self determination for sex workers. (continue here)

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