Pay It No Mind – The Life and Times of Marsha P. Johnson

Pay It No Mind – The Life and Times of Marsha P. Johnson –

Thanks to the wisdom and support of Richard Morrison, Larry Mitchell, and Jimmy Camicia who made this documentary possible.
Special thanks to Antony and the Johnsons. Your music and generosity shine, levitate, and transcend. Buy their music; it will love you. Love all the contributors in this film.

— Marsha, what a trip. She was something else. I vividly remember seeing her back in the 70’s & 80’s on Christopher Street. Kids would point at her in awe with bulging bug-eyes saying, “See that crazy drag queen over there?” I would respond, “Well honey, she started the Stonewall riots.” The listener’s mouth without fail would drop agape, because she was truly a sight to see. Then, after that, all the up and coming queens whenever we saw her would pause & genuflect as she made her way along the cobblestone streets of Greenwich Village. She is an undisputed icon. She’s the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, and the Sphinx all rolled up into one divine ball.

Jack Walls

Other Works

Sex Worker Art, prepared for 2004 Ziteng Sex Worker Conference, Hong Kong
Advocating in Albany: No Condoms As Evidence
The High Cost of Cheap Clothes (Vice News)
The Politics of Sex: Love Me Want Me Rent Me

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