Otras Vias (Other Ways)

by FrauenLesbenFilmCollectif in cooperation with Mucolade

Mucolade (Mujeres contra la deportación = women against deportation).

This video documentary was produced in collaboration with Mucolade (Mujeres contra la deportación = women against deportation). Mucolade is a group of Spanish-speaking women who provide assistance to migrant women working in the sex industry. 

Diverse women including Transsexuals and Transvestis from Latin America talk about their situation in Germany. Since many of them have no status, they come to rely on sex work as an opportunity. While some prefer other work, others are satisfied with the work. But they all want other working (and living) conditions – free from the fear of denunciation and surveillance by employers, husbands or suitors.

The film focuses on the reasons for their migration and experiences of disappointment, fear and frustration – but also about their goals, desires and achievements. They talk about their experiences with the suitors, with the police and the immigration authorities. They discuss their work to resist repression and discrimination.

An excerpt: Sex workers from “otras vías” in an interview with Radio fsk St. Pauli, on 24.02.02
G: It is important to tell how illegals live who work in the sex industry for many
Experienced people what they do not know.

M: Most people have a false picture. They think we are used
Trafficking in human beings … we were poor victims of abuse – and that’s not true. We work because we need the money because of the economic situation in our countries, especially the South Americans, the Latinas, the Colombians. We come to seek a better future for our families. Because one more help each other there in the family. We are almost all from poor families. Those who had the opportunity to study, had to put a lot of energy into it …

Through the film, many people learn how our life is. Like I said, most people have misconceptions; that we are the last that we are victims, women without culture …
R: People say we are working for a pimp, but that’s not true. We’ll be at your own risk and want a better future for our family. We come, like all, from all over the world.

M: We whores are cosmopolitan. (2002-Berlin, 56 min.)

Other Works

Interview: Laxsmi Tripathi, hijra & sex worker rights activist
The Politics of Sex: Love Me Want Me Rent Me
Screaming Queens – The Riot at Compton’s Cafeteria
Sex Worker Open University 2011

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