Lot Lizard

(2013-71 min.) In 2009, Alexander Perlman hitchhiked from New York City to San Fransisco. While soliciting rides at a truck stop in Ohio, a woman approached him. They discussed his trip and her grandchildren until she offered her services to a passing truck driver. The truck driver took her up on the offer and they left, leaving Alex perplexed.

Alex caught a ride shortly thereafter, but as his journey progressed, he learned that sex workers are prevalent at truck stops throughout the country. Curious about the circumstances that lead them to their illicit trade, he resolved to shoot a documentary on the subject.

Production lasted eight weeks in 2010. The two to three person crew evaded pimps, police officers, truck stop security guards, angry truck drivers, faced death threats, became second-hand high on crack, and walked away with two hundred hours of footage from a world that few have ever glimpsed.


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Other Works

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