La Revolte des Prostituees / The Prostitutes Revolt


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On June 2nd 1975 hundreds of French sex workers occupied catholic churches right across France. They demanded the right to work free from police harassment and have jail sentences against them dropped. The occupation is commemorated by sex workers as one of the key events that sparked the contemporary global sex workers rights movement but outside that community the occupations are unacknowledged and forgotten. (50:35- 2015)

La Revolte des Prostituees is a nominee from the 2015 In The Dark Audio Award which was presented at Sheffield Doc/Fest. The documentary won over the hearts of our judges, not only because of the importance of the story being told but also for the vibrant, playful and often intimate way in which it did it. Voices, music, memoirs, sound, humour and vivid and unusual present-day scenes helped to build a story from the past and bring it to life. While ultimately telling a “big story”, it achieved an intimacy with its subject that lifted it beyond simple historical reportage. It was a programme that didn’t tell you what to think, yet every step of the way the editorial voice was clear and strong.

Produced by Eurydice Aroney for Radio France Culture and Radio Belgium
Funded by “Du Coté des Ondes” project and the University of Technology Sydney
Subtitles by In The Dark (2015)

Other Works

FIRST Community Forum, Pt. 2 of 4 – Julie Ham
For Love or Money
BBC Trafficking Debate in Luxor with Laura Agustín
Sex workers are the solution, not the problem