I’m a sex worker (from Peru)

The excellent video recreates one day in the life of a young sex worker. Liliana speaks about her decision, hopes and fears while she celebrates her birthday.

Produced by Procea Productions. Screenplay and direction: Julia Thays, Actors direction: Alberick García, Camera: Gustavo Ríos.

This short film is part of “BOCHINCHE: a cultural intervention to fight violence towards women and trans sexual workers”.

The BOCHINCHE Intervention is an effort to create empathy toward this group of individuals historically discriminated and neglected. Taking advantage of Cultural Activism, artists, sex workers´ associations and researchers participated in a complex process of understanding and learning about each sex workers´ reality that ended in building a set of artistic and communicational activities to fight against violence towards sex workers.

Bochinche describes all the process undertaken to create a cultural activism intervention to fight against violence towards sex workers in Lima (Peru). In the process we included a communicational campaign using posters on the streets, radio spots, photos, comics on a website with virtual campaigns. As part of the intervention we created a short film called “Soy una trabajadora sexual” (I´m a sex worker) that recreates one day in the life of a woman who does sex work. The intervention finalized with the first march of sex workers and activists through the main streets in Lima.

This intervention was created by CiudadaniasX project. CiudadaniasX: Activismo Cultural y Derechos Humanos (CitizenshipsX – Cultural Activism and Human Rights), a project implemented by the Institute of Studies of Health, Sexuality and Human Development (IESSDEH), aims to create dialogue between activists, artists and academics in Latin America in relation to how cultural activism can combat the stigma and discrimination experienced by populations that are affected by, and vulnerable to, HIV/AIDS.

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