Caught between the tiger and the crocodile (full)

Sex workers in Cambodia have fought against the 100% Condom Use Program and the abuses associated with it for many years.Now Cambodia has a new anti-trafficking law which makes all sex work illegal, and where sex workers can be sent for mandatory rehabilitation.Cambodian Sex Worker groups and APNSW have fought against both of these abusive systems. This film shows the human rights abuses inherent in both approaches.

This important work, produced by APNSW/Dale Kongmont is based on a report of the same name, and an investigation of police abuse and corruption in the case of anti-trafficking efforts in Cambodia. (14.33 min-2010, Cambodia/ Thailand)

Also see:

Other Works

The Politics of Sex: Love Me Want Me Rent Me
Sex Worker Violence Prevention
Cambodia’s New anti-trafficking law: Sex Workers speak out
Sticks and Stones; Bambi Lake (2015)

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