Becky’s Journey

This film is directed by Sine Plambech, researcher at Danish Institute for International Studies.

Beautiful Becky has attempted to travel from Benin, Nigeria twice, and voluntarily. She braves rape and starvation to cross closed borders in search of a better life as a sex worker in Italy. The film is about migration, sex work and human trafficking seen from the perspective of Becky. The script tells story in Becky’s own words. This a fascinating alternative take on migration for the purposes of sex work that is never heard in the mainstream press.  This narrative-documentary hybrid is based on the text from the real “Becky’s”  story. (24 min.- 2014, Denmark)

From the Produer:

Becky is a 26 year old Nigerian woman who wants to go to Europe. She already tried twice. The first time she was stopped with counterfeit documents in the airport in Nigeria, by immigration authorities. This made her decide to begin a deadly journey through the Sahara desert hoping to embark on a migration boat bound for Italy.

Becky’s Journey is about fear and hope when crossing Sahara and the Mediterranean. It documents Becky’s attempts to go to Europe, and tells the story of the many migrants that never reaches the shores of Europe.


Other Works

AI Turkey – What is your occupation?
Taking the Pledge
“I Deserve to be Safe” by Daisy Anarchy
Turning A Corner (trailer)