A Brief History of America Hating Sex Workers: Pusssy, Power and Patriarchy

Survey of history of commercial sex in the US. (2021-30 min)

“Unsurprisingly, racism and misogyny are crucial reasons why female sex workers have historically faced harassment, violence, and the denial of occupational rights. But full-service sex workers– from early immigrants to the colonies to the scarlet women of Storyville in New Orleans to the call girls and streetwalkers of the 70s- have made important contributions to American society, and have helped build and shape the communities that forsake them. They have also been subject to different levels of scrutiny and punishment, thanks to race, class, and location. If you want more insight on recent OnlyFans news, sex trafficking witch hunts, and legislation like FOSTA/SESTA, this video is for you. This covers the cisgendered female experience! [White Slavery Panic, Prostitution, prostitutes, whores, Melissa Gira Grant, Melinda Chateauvert]”

This #FromTheArchives post is the season finale of the first season of Let’s Talk About Sex History, originally published in 2019. You can watch the full first season on my patreon. Season 2 is coming in 2022.

Other Works

La Revolte des Prostituees / The Prostitutes Revolt
On Transparency in Activism: Why Being Anti-Craigslist is Anti-Justice
In South Africa, Sex Workers Arm Themselves with the Law
Human Rights for Sex Workers from Amnesty International