The Politics of Sex: Love Me Want Me Rent Me

Created after the raid, this is an important and profound profile of a New York escort. By Jake Jaxson (5:58 min.-2015)
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The Politics of Sex
By Jake Jaxson

“The time has come for all good men to rise above principle.”

Huey Long
Governor, Louisiana 1928 to 1932

I share this today because I, like many, was shocked and confused by this week’s raid and take down of RentBoy.comby the federal government via the Department of Homeland Security. They arrested, from their homes, its CEO and seven of their current and past employees — many of whom are friends of mine. I know them as hardworking and tireless advocates for sex positive education. I was angered and dismayed when prosecutors described them as conspirators of an “international criminal organization.”

One thing that is clear to me is that this was not about the “rule of law” — it was a political act designed to feed and satisfy a still powerful and angry part of what was once part of Nixon’s “Moral Majority.” Because, in America, sex is still taboo and should not be discussed in “polite society!” This is still a prime and needed target for the religious right and moralizers for profit.

And before everyone gets caught up in the sensationalism of “The Rule of Law,” can we at least acknowledge the obvious? Our laws are enforced by politicians who pick and choose what laws they think matter, or help win them elections, or get them more contributions. The Financial Collapse of 2008 was the result of big banks breaking many laws and regulations… yet, NOT ONE of their employees were ever arrested and charged.

One thing that is very clear to me when it comes to the politics of sex — whoever is screaming sin, adulterer, slut, and prostitute the loudest — while holding themselves out as “better than,” usually are the ones doing exactly what they are alerting and warning others to avoid. (One of my recent films, The Bully, essentially addresses this at its core.)

There has been much speculation over why the raid at RentBoy occurred, considering they have operated openly for the past 20 years.

My belief, sadly, is that they were targeted and brought down because of PRIDE. They showed too much pride to be ignored, pride in creating a network of individuals wanting and needing to connect and explore their sexuality beyond the parameters set out, dictated, and prescribed to us by the moralizers for profit, the “glass housers” and the “do as I say, not as I do” crowd.

And in the spirit of that pride, today I am releasing part of a film that we had been working on months before the raid of RentBoy. To be honest, before today I was really struggling with how to put it on our site. In all honesty, and I’m ashamed to say, it was because it was not sexy. Our site is designed as a form for sexual entertainment and fantasy escape — and every time I watched this film, a heartbreaking reality hit me and I struggled with how best to present it because the two men in this film were so unashamed, loving, and proud. I worried that I could not do them justice. But today that has all changed.

Today, I want to introduce you to one of the men who advertised on RentBoy, Rob Yaeger. Please watch, as I know many of you will, with an open mind and heart.

And to all the judgmental moralizers, self haters, double speakers, and glass housers, watch this and ask yourself before you pick up that next rock. Are you now and will you ever be half the man that Rob is? Before you again say one thing and do another, ask yourself if your clever wordsmithing will ever match up to the selflessness of this man.

And lest we forget, taking offense where none is offered should be a trigger for self reflection, not persecution.

Other Works

A Kiss for Gabriela (source interview)
The Honeybringer: Stories from the Sex Worker Freedom Festival
Sticks and Stones; Bambi Lake (2015)
A Brief History of America Hating Sex Workers: Pusssy, Power and Patriarchy