Sadie Lune “I Want You” at Museum of Modern Art

Sadie Lune presents this first person performance piece “I WANT YOU,” which won 1st Place at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art on September 11, 2008. San Francisco artist, Tony Labat invited San Franciscans to participate in this live art event based on the iconic “I Want You” poster. Labat offered one minute at the museum to “seize the voice of authority, to make demands of the public, and to be the finger-pointing Uncle Sam.” Contest winners will be plastered over the city in on posters during election week. Sadie says, I Want You to Vote Yes on Prop K.
Written and Performed by Sadie Lune.
Video by Scarlot Harlot “I WANT YOU” live art event sponsored by Tony Labat and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (2008-1:38)

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