
Friday, May 24th at Center for Sex & Culture
1349 Mission St.

Note: The first workshop,11 am is for sex workers only, but all other workshops are open to all.
This location is ADA accessible. Childcare, translation and signing services are available upon request. We also ask you to assist us in making this a scent free environment (see peggymunson.com/mcs/fragrancefree.html ).Email sexworkerfest@gmail.com or call 510-410-4318 to request these or other options. Also see Logistics/Accessibility.

11:00 am: "Tough Language and Tender Wisdoms"
Memoir Writing Workshop for Sex Workers
by Amber Dawn
(sex workers only)

This workshop invites participants to write under-told stories from their personal experience and to develop strategies to creating safe and celebratory spaces for these stories to be heard. Freewriting exercises, small group work and more! Whether participants are interested in formally writing their memoirs or writing is a part of self-discovery, this workshop will offer foundational memoir writing exercises in sex-worker-only space.

12:45 PM: Empowerment & Marketing w/ Media

by Alice in Bondage Land (open to all)

Alice worked for local websites like Kink.com in their start-up days and now has 250 videos and 50,000 photos of her own, documenting lifestyle bdsm. She offers this class to help you explore your true calling in sex work and transform your career through multimedia tools.

2:00 PM Whore Logic: Stripping, Burlesque & Sex Work Politics
by The Incredible Edible Akynos (open to all)
Is it possible for a whore to be a happy, self respecting intellectual? Explore the joys of being a happy hooker, and also the pains of being a socially persecuted woman, choosing to live one’s life outside society’s perceived sexual norms. Don't miss this workshop which includes a live performance!

3:00 PM Housing Justice = Sex Worker Rights (open to all)
Presenters: Charlie Fredrick: Program Co-Coordinator for the Mission SRO Collaborative: Jeb Creech: Outreach Coordinator for San Francisco’s Women’s Community Clinic, a member organization of the Mission SRO Collaborative

In this workshop we will explore how Housing Justice can be used as a powerful framework for building solidarity with street-based sex workers. We recognize that individuals involved in street-based economies represent a marginalized population of workers who often experience disproportionate levels of violence and exploitation when compared to the larger sex worker community. The lack of stable and dignified housing means that these individuals have far less control over the conditions of their labor, namely the ability to refuse unsafe sexual practices or even the ability to determine when and where they work. The precarious nature of the street-based economy increases workers’ vulnerability to assault, police harassment, and substance addiction. Housing Justice means increased agency and increased agency is the key to achieving sex worker’s rights. (90 minutes)

Amber Dawn

Tough Language & Tender Wisdoms:A Memoir Writing Workshop for Sex Workers
(current and former sex workers only)

This workshop invites participants to write under-told stories from their personal experience and to develop strategies to creating safe and celebratory spaces for these stories to be heard. Whether participants are interested in formally writing their memoirs or writing is a part of self-discovery, this workshop will offer foundational memoir writing exercises in sex-worker-only space.

Amber Dawn will use source material from her new book "How Poetry Saved My Life: A Hustlers Memoir" and select other text to lead participants through a series of freewriting exercises, small group work, and discussion. Participants should come prepared to share and listen, and bring pen and paper.

Learn more about Amber Dawn.


The Incredible Edible Akynos

If you ask anyone that you know, minister, mother, police officer, judge, lawyer etc etc you will find out that outside of what they do they have other talents. And they all have sex too, it's not just me. I don't have sex or have an interest in sex because I am a whore with no respect for myself. Those are poor ways of thinking and you should feel free to uplift yourself from that. Particularly when it's dealing with women, sex is still till this day a hush hush, she should be ashamed she's doing that kind of thing. Which in turns tells me that if this is your state of mind you have issues. Particularly one with thinking for yourself and analyzing the bullshit that you've been fed for so long. I mean gosh, it's not your fault that you think this way, but it is if you continue to be so biased and so silly. I for one not only love the attention, I love the freedom to express myself this way and in other ways. If you have concerns with how I choose to express myself leave now and check yourself at the door.


Learn more about The Incredible Edible Akynos


Alice in Bondage Land

From the time she was old enough to watch Adam West’s Batman on television and tie up dolls, Alice knew that she was kinky.

In college, she lived in a private dungeon and began moonlighting as a prodom while working as a wedding photographer by day. She also started working for local websites like www.SeriousBondage.com and www.Kink.com in their start-up days. It wasn’t long before this natural born exhibitionist began shooting videos of her own. That grew into a full time calling to document lifestyle bdsm in a sexy and compelling way... plus a lot of collaboration with local dominatrixes!

Before she had a video camera, she was taking kinky 35mm photos and developing them herself. Before that, she used Polaroids. Before the Polaroids, she drew kinky pictures that got her in trouble at school… and before she could draw, she would write BDSM fiction and post it to alt.bdsm.stories. Alice just can’t keep her kinkiness hidden! Now, her exhibitionism has grown into over 250 videos and over 50,000 photos! She teaches classes all over the world to both kinky and vanilla audiences.

Alice is notorious for public bondage “stunts” all over the country and creating flash mobs and whimsical "happenings." She is well known locally for wearing latex to the opera, cuffing sissies to the Golden Gate Bridge and opening heart chakras with a jewel-encrusted toilet plunger at the Saint Stupid's Day Parade.

Alice no longer takes private clients, but enjoys auditioning new collaborators if they can sign a model release. Disguises optional on camera!