presented by Desiree Alliance, ISWFACE, BAYSWAN and SWOP-USA

Producer-Mariko Passion (mariko.passion@gmail.com)
Event: Whore-A-Palooza with Stripper Karaoke at El Rio (presented
by 6th Biennial San Francisco Sex Worker Film, Art and Music
Date: 7 PM June 2th, Tuesday
Location: El Rio
Address: 3158 Mission St (@ Cesar Chavez), San Francisco, CA
94110. El Rio Tel (415) 282-3325
Festival Tel: 415-287-3114
contact: Carol Leigh, 415 751 1659
Press contact email: carol@bayswan.org
Website: http://www.elriosf.com/
Website: http://www.sexworkerfest.com/swfest2009/Whore-A-Palooza.html
Email: swfest@bayswan.org, mariko.passion@gmail.com
The Sex Worker Fest presents Whore-A-Palooza an evening of movies, music
and performances. Enter the first ever stripper Karaoke contest and win
$$$$! Anyone can enter! Slots are limited, so contact mariko.passion@gmaiil.com
to sign up today! Shop on the patio at The Whore Store! Mistress of Ceremonies,
Annie Danger with music by Mariko Passion, FIST, whore-tastic one man
dance punk band!The Illustrious Mistress Whitefeather Lash, Scarlot Harlot,
Keva I. Lee and more. Free Music! Performances and movies sliding scale
$3-$20 donation to the Sex Worker Festival.
Everyone knows El Rio, with an outdoor patio, two rooms of entertainment,
one of which is completely free...plus cheap prices for drinks! They
sponsor LGBT among others communities...extremely fun and very San Francisco!
We even have movies (see below) ON THE PATIO!
Whore Power
Director: Robert Johanssen
A super 8 silent aabout discovering graffiti in an alleyway, orginally
part of Mayworks - a festival of working people and/in the arts. (Canada,
3 min-1999)
I am a Sex Worker
Producer: Sex Work Awareness
New York-based advocacy organization recently implemented its first day-long
Speak Up media training workshop, which took place at the Harm Reduction
Coalition in mid-April. At the end of the day, the workshop participants
made a public service announcement video. Go to http://sexworkawareness.org
to learn more about SWA's media advocacy and public education initiatives.
(US, 1 min-2009)
Sex Worker to
Sex Worker
Producer/Performer: Seranna (Jessie Abraham)
Director/Editor: Vikrant Kishore- Film Maker and Directo ;Cameraperson:
Imteyaz - ur rahman
Seranna, a local sex worker/activist/comedian turned movie producer,
visits Delhi, India to produce this movie with award winning Indian filmmaker,
Vikrant Kishore. The series is entitled Comparing Country's Compassion.
Her altar ego 'Jessie Abraham' compares laws, culture, police corruption,
and client condom usage and condom accessibility to discover how these
effect sex workers on a day to day level. Noting decriminalisation as
a best practice for the sex industry, Seranna interviews sex workers,
clients, HIV experts and sex work activists while an International guest
of an international sex workers conference. (Australia, excerpt from
43 min - 2009)
Sex Rooms and a Kitchen
Director / Producer: Eva C. Heldmann; Cinematography: Rainer
US premiere! The film documents work in a little whore house
in Germany: The sex rooms are equipped differently according
to the varied needs of the customers. The kitchen is where the
life goes on between the work: waiting, reading, making-up,
calls and more calls, chatting and cooking. The film reveals
the expressive power of shoes. The whores dance a ballet of
dominance, artifice, and pleasure.) Enjoy speculum and stirrups
in der Klinik studio, a bat-cave dungeon with a neat hydraulic
lift, and spiked heels galore in this busy Berlin flat, where
it's business-as-usual for four Deutsche Sexarbeitern (German
sex workers). (Germany, 79 min. -2008)