Benefit at DIVAS!!
Sex Worker Fest Guests, Artists, Fans!
Event: SWOP Party
at 6th Biennial San Francisco Sex Worker Film, Art and Music Festival
Location: Diva's
1081 Post, San Francisco
Dates: May 31st, Sunday
Time: 9 PM-Till Late!
Contact: Acire.Roche@swop-sanfrancisco.org ; Shelly.Resnick@swop-sanfrancisco.org
Cost: Donations for SWOP San Francisco!
After Fest Recess
At Divas Nightclub SF! Come and Party it down with the coolest girls around!
Late Night SWOP party at Diva's
Locals and out of towners, don't miss this great party at:
Diva's, 1081 Post Street http://www.divassf.com/
Hosts: Madam Zoe Von Presscott
and Lady
Megan Louana

Festival Info:
Website: http://www.sexworkerfest.com/swfest2009/Divas.html
Tel: 415-751-1659
Schedule Updates: http://www.sexworkerfest.com/schedule2009.html
Tickets for Movies Available at: http://www.sexworkerfest.com/tickets2009.html