Sex Worker Fest Film & Video Entry Form

NOTE: You may submit this form with the 'submit' button below. Note that this does not work with all browsers. You may also save this form as a PDF and email it to us.

Alternately, we prefer to receive entries through Film Freeway at:

Or, if you have trouble click here to download a Word document to fill out and email it to us. You will receive a reply to your email within 4 days to be sure that your submission was successful. If you don't hear back please email or call.

The San Francisco Bay Area Sex Worker Film and Arts Festival will take place May 19-28, 2017 (movies at the Roxie on May 27th and at select events). The Sex Worker Fest curates ongoing screenings at festivals around the world and we accept work on an ongoing basis. Extended deadline schedule will be announced and late entries may be considered. Early bird deadline by February 15, 2017. Regular deadline by March 1, 2017. Late deadline postmarked by March 21, 2017. Extended deadline by April 15th with prior arrangement only. Notification date is April 27th. We may refer early entries to additional Sex Worker Festivals for screening with permission of maker. Call 415-857-5425.

Additional Note: In an effort to make our videos accessible for the hearing impaired viewers, so we are asking for makers to include subtitles in their final screening copies. If you are unable to do, please contact us so we can try to make alternative arrangements.

Each film or video must have a separate form.


We also encourage submissions at

If you choose to email your entry form, you should receive an email confirming your entry. If you are sending a check for entry fee, please print out that email and send with entry fee payable to: SW Media and Cultural, 2309 Noriega St. #45, San Francisco, CA 94122.

Please fill out and submit.

Movie Title:

Production Year:

Running Time:

Main Contact (Director or Producer-Name and Title):

Additional Credits (Name and Title)

(Space varies, so not all names are always included. Please email us if you would like alternate arrangements and request other credits.):


Media Contact Information:



City & State

Zip & Country



Confirm E-mail

Return of materials: self-addressed stamped envelope must be included, but we very much prefer and deeply appreciate your donation of this work to our library)

I would like to donate my tape to the San Francisco Sex Worker Film and Arts Archive. (If you are able, we would appreciate this option.)

Category: Narrative, Animation, Explicit, Documentary, Experimental, Other (List as many as apply, but you must include one of these terms for form to succeed.)

Description :

Optional- Short bio of maker(s)/participants:

Preview format:

DVD - ; Online preview link - ; Mini DV -
Screening format: Mini DV - ; DVD - ; Quicktime File ; 16mm- ; 35mm-

URL For preview:

password if needed:

Distributor (if other than above)


City & State

Zip & Country


I hereby allow the San Francisco Sex Worker Festival to preview my work and, if accepted by the Sex Worker Fest, I grant permission to use a clip or images of my work for promotional purposes. I also understand that the Sex Worker Fest cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to entry materials. It is the responsibility of the maker/distributor to ship work accepted into the Festival, including all related fees.

Type your name and date to agree to the above conditions.

The following must be included to be considered for SWFEST entries:
Electronically submitted or signed entry form, separate form for each tape
Will send check, money order for entry fee made payable to SWFEST within 10 days of form submission.
Click here to pay entry fee with PAYPAL.
or URL for Preview (or) Quicktime file (or) MiniDV tape
(Optional) still images, promotional cd, makers' bio and other publicity materials
I would like to donate my tape to the San Francisco Sex Worker Film and Arts Archive. (If you are able, we would very, very much prefer this option.)
I will provide English subtitles or a text script for the hearing impaired.
Check here if you would like us to catalogue and list your donated submission online with your email address.
I would like my tape/DVD returned: I am enclosing a S.A.S.E. (or postage costs for international entries). Tapes without return postage and envelope will not be returned. Please note: We would very much appreciate it if you could donate your tape!

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Call 415-857-5425 for more info.

Total due: $

for this entry.

Early Bird: First entry is $10. Each additional entry (only if postmarked by February 15th) is free.

Regular Entry Deadline (Postmarked by March 1st):
First entry is $10.00; each additional entry is $5.00.

Late Deadline (Postmarked after March 1st before March 21st)
First entry is $15.00; each additional entry is $10.00.

Extended Deadline: (only with prior permission- email

Notification date is April 27th,

(Fee waived if needed. Email to request waiver.)
If you are not able to submit this form, print and fill out text version of form and email it with the application fee payable to:

SW Media and Cultural

Address: SW Media and Cultural, 2309 Noriega St. #45, San Francisco, CA 94122.